Archiving Data
To archive data in the API Gateway Data Store, you must have the Manage purge and restore runtime event functional privilege in API Gateway.
Archiving is the process of moving data that is no longer actively used for long-term retention so that it can be used at a later time. You can archive data based on the type of data or the age of the data in API Gateway Data Store.
To archive data
1. Expand the menu options icon , in the title bar, and select Administration. 2. Select Manage Data.
3. Click Archive & purge.
4. Select the event types for which the data has to be archived.
The available options are:
Audit logs
Error events
Lifecycle events
Monitor events
Performance metrics
Policy violation events
Threat protection events
Transaction events
Application logs
5. Select Archive.
6. Select one of the following options to archive the required data.
Range. Select a period during which you want the data to be archived.
To archive selected types of data from a particular date till the current date, select the required date in the
From date field.
To archive selected types of data from the beginning (events start date) till a particular date, select the required date in the
To date field.
API Gateway archives the selected type of data for the given date range.
Duration. Type the maximum time after which you want the data to be archived.
API Gateway archives the selected types of data after the time specified in years, months, days, hours, minutes, or seconds (1y, 1m, 1d, 1H, 1M, 1S).
7. Click Submit.
The required data on the API Gateway Data Store is archived.
By default, the archives are stored in the following location: <installation_location>/profiles/IS_default/workspace/temp/default.
You can modify this location using the backupsharedFilelocation property in the Extended settings section.
You can provide the maximum number of backups that can be archived using the maxBackupslimit property in the Extended settings section. The default value of this setting is 10. If you do not provide a value in this field, then infinite number of archives can be stored.