API Gateway 10.5 | Using API Gateway | Microgateway Management | Overview | Microgateway Groups
Microgateway Groups
A Microgateway group enables you to group Microgateways. The Microgateway groups page displays the Microgateways that are included in a particular group. The page displays the following information for each Microgateway:
*Host name
*HTTP and HTTPS ports that the Microgateway uses to expose the APIs that are provisioned on it
*A description of the Microgateway
*The number of APIs available on the Microgateway
To add a Microgateway to the group, you need to add the following information to the custom-settings.yml file:
microgatewayPoolName: poolNameHere
microgatewayPoolDescription: poolDescriptionHere
Where poolNameHere is the name of the group and poolDescriptionHere is an optional description of the group. If a poolNameHere is not provided, the Microgateway is added to the Default group.
For more information about custom-settings.yml, see the webMethods Microgateway User's Guide.
You can perform the following operations on this page:
*Click to remove a Microgateway from the group.
*Click the Microgateway name to view more information about it.