API Gateway 10.3 | Using API Gateway | User Management | Manage Your User Settings and Preferences | Changing Your Account Settings
Changing Your Account Settings
User account settings include the user name and email address. These settings are attributes of local users who are validated against credentials stored in API Gateway. If API Gateway uses an external authentication mechanism, such as an LDAP, you must change the equivalent settings in the external LDAP system.
When the administrator creates a user account and an email address for the user, that email address is set as the default email address for the account. If you have multiple email addresses, you can set up additional email addresses in the User settings page.
*To change your user name and email address
1. Expand the menu options icon , in the title bar, and select Username.
The User settings page appears with your user preferences.
2. Provide the following information in the Account settings section.
First name
Type your first name.
First name is case sensitive. A first name can contain letters, numbers, or a combination of all. You can also use special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at). Other special characters and spaces are not allowed.
Last name
Type your last name.
Last name is case sensitive. A last name can contain letters, numbers, or a combination of all. You can also use special characters: . (dot), _ (underscore), and @ (at). Other special characters and spaces are not allowed.
Email addresses
Type a valid email address.
If the email address is invalid, API Gateway prompts you with an error message.
You can add multiple email addresses by clicking .
3. Click Save.
The changes are applied immediately.