API Gateway 10.15 | Administering API Gateway | Container-based Provisioning | Docker Configuration | Data Backup using Docker Container | Running the API Gateway Utility Container | Checking the API Gateway Utility logs
Checking the API Gateway Utility logs
After performing the backup operations, you can check the backup logs to monitor the backup events.
*To check the API Gateway utility logs:
1. Run the following command to enter into the container:
docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] /bin/bash
2. Run the following command to navigate to the log file location:
cd /opt/softwareag/IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages/WmAPIGateway/cli/logs
3. Run the following command to view the log:
vi APIGWimage.log
The log file is generated.
Since the log file is present inside the container, the log file will be removed if the container is removed. To have a local copy of the log, include the option -logFileLocation when executing the command and mount the Docker volume.
For example,
docker run -e apigw_elasticsearch_hosts=daeyaix1bvt01.eur.ad.sag:9240 apigwimage
-c list backup -logFileLocation \utils\logs