API Gateway 10.15 | Upgrading and Migrating to API Gateway | Upgrading API Gateway in Zero Downtime | Upgrading Major Versions in Zero Downtime | Migrate the design time data
Migrate the design time data
You must perform this operation in the new API Gateway instance. For a cluster setup, you must do this in only one of the nodes.
When the old API Gateway instance is put into quiesce mode for design time, it is safe to migrate the design time data to the new API Gateway instance's Elasticsearch or API Data Store.
You can run the following request in the new API Gateway instance to migrate the design time data. For a cluster, you must do this only on one of the instances. If the old Elasticsearch or API Data Store is protected with basic authentication, send the username and password in the request payload.
The source tenant name is assumed as default. But, if the source API Gateway has multiple tenants, this property can be used to specify the tenant name from which the data has to be migrated to the target tenant. For more details, see Upgrade configurations.
POST /rest/apigateway/migration

"action": "reindex",
"indicesType": "core",
"sourceElasticsearch": {
"url": "http://localhost:9200",
"username": "username",
"password": "password"
"properties": {
"apigateway.migration.srcTenantName": "default",
"apigateway.migration.batchSize": 100,
"apigateway.migration.logLevel": "info",
"apigateway.migration.reindex.status.check.sleep.interval": 5000,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_apis": 50,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_log": 100,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_audit_auditlogs": 50,
"apigateway.migration.batchSize.gateway_{0}_analytics_transactionalevents": 50
Since this is a long running operation, the request initiates the migration and returns 201 Accepted message, if the invocation is successful.
When the reindex operation is completed, API Gateway sends out a notification with the result details through registered webhooks. You can run the following request to check the status of the operation. .
GET /rest/apigateway/migration/status?action=reindex
A success status message implies that the re-indexing is completed.
If the re-index request invocation for design time data fails with an error or the status returned with a failure, stop proceeding with the next steps. Disable the quiesce mode for design time in all the nodes and bring them back to normal state. Clean the data and retry. If the error persists, contact Software AG support team for help with all the relevant logs for further analysis.