API Gateway 10.11 | Using API Gateway | Usage Scenarios | Team Support | Enabling Teams Support
Enabling Teams Support
When you enable the Team feature, you can manage teams from the Teams tab under the User management section of API Gateway.
If you do not enable this feature, you can still create teams, as explained in Creating Teams, and assign functional privileges to users. However, you cannot assign required assets to a set of users and restrict the access of assets to other users.
If you have enabled this feature, created teams, and assigned assets to teams, and then disable this feature, then the team assignments that you had performed earlier become invalid. That is, the assets are available to users based on their functional privileges and not based on the assigned teams.
*To enable teams
1. Expand the menu options icon , in the title bar, and select Administration.
2. Select General > Extended settings.
3. Click Show and hide keys.
All configurable parameters appear.
4. Select the enableTeamWork from the parameter list.
The enableTeamWork field appears in the Extended Settings section.
5. Type true in the enableTeamWork field. By default, the value of the setting is set as false.
The feature is enabled.