API Gateway 10.11 | Administering API Gateway | Operating API Gateway | Destination Configuration | Troubleshooting Tips: API Gateway - API Portal Integration
Troubleshooting Tips: API Gateway - API Portal Integration
I see an obsolete API Portal destination reference in a published API
An old API Portal destination reference is associated to all APIs. This old reference is not available anymore, however, it is still associated to all APIs. Hence, all APIs have two associated API Portal destinations, one correct and the other obsolete.
Remove the obsolete reference as follows:
1. Retrieve API details using the following GET REST call:
2. Retrieve associated portal information using the following GET REST call:
3. Retrieve the API Gateway to API Portal association using the following GET REST call:
For every API, this displays two entries; one for the actual portal reference and another for the stale reference. You can delete the stale reference documents from the datastore.
You can delete the stale reference by using the REST request as follows:
DELETE http://localhost:9240/gateway_default/deploymentmap/<id>
The id you provide here is the id corresponding to the stale reference details you see in the response for Step 3.
I do not see a subscription object in API Portal as well as API Gateway when I subscribe for a plan in API Portal
If you do not see a subscription object in API Portal or API Gateway when you subscribe for a plan in API Portal, it might be due to one of the following reasons:
*Pending approval for the approval flow process.
Resolution: Go to User menu > Pending Requests. Accept any requests that are pending for approval.
*API Gateway not reachable from API Portal through the value configured in the destination.
Resolution: Go to User menu > Administration > Destinations > API Portal > Configuration. Verify the endpoint configurations. Provide correct credentials and ensure that the hosts are reachable using the Test option.
*General connection issues between API Gateway and API Portal.
Resolution: Perform the following general connection validation checks:
*Ensure that the API Gateway host is reachable from API Portal and API Portal is reachable from API Gateway host.
*Ensure that the ports are open and accessible.
*Ensure that in case of a Docker setup, the Gateway endpoint is configured with the port exposed from the host and not the actual Docker port.
I cannot publish an API to API Portal
If publishing APIs to API Portal fails, it might due to incorrect destination configuration for API Portal.
Resolution: Go to User menu > Administration > Destinations > API Portal. Ensure that all the required destination configuration details are provided correctly.
If you make any changes you must republish the configuration for the changes to take effect.
I see stale applications in API Portal
When a consumer subscribes to a plan or a package, an application is created both in API Gateway and API Portal. By mistake, when you delete an application from Gateway, the application in API Portal becomes stale.
To remove the stale applications from API Portal, unpublish the package associated with the application and republish it. This triggers the cleanup of the stale application in API Portal.