API Gateway 10.11 | Using API Gateway | APIs | Troubleshooting Tips: APIs
Troubleshooting Tips: APIs
I see errors when API Gateway parses huge responses received from the native API
I see the following errors when API Gateway parses huge responses received from the native API:
com.fasterxml.aalto.WFCException: Unexpected end-of-input when trying to parse
com.fasterxml.aalto.WFCException: Unexpected end-of-input when trying to parse CHARACTERS at [row,col {unknown-source}]: [13621,577]
com.fasterxml.aalto.WFCException: 500 for SOAP APIs exchanging bigger payloads
To avoid encountering errors while parsing large responses from the native API, change the enablesoapValidation property in the axis2.xml file located at Install_dir\IntegrationServer\ instances\default\config\wss\ in one of the following ways:
*By commenting out the line
<!--<parameter name="enableSoapValidation">true</parameter> -->
*By setting the property enablesoapValidation to false
<parameter name="enableSoapValidation">false</parameter>
You must restart the API Gateway server for the change to take effect. The impact of this change is that the SOAP API request and responses are no more validated if they are compliant with the SOAP specification.
I see that an error displays while searching scroll ID when importing an API
When you import an API where the alias used in the archive is not present in API Gateway, Error while searching scroll ID error is displayed.
Sample error is as follows:
Error while searching scroll ID - DXF1ZXJ5QW5kRmV0Y2gBAAAAAAAAKWEWUjVjczBsaktRbmE4M0RNR2RRdkhfUQ==. Message - No search context found for id [10593]. No search context found for id [10593]
To resolve this issue, increase the heap size of Elasticsearch.
To increase the heap space of Elasticsearch, modify the parameters Xms2g and Xmx2g in the jvm.options file located at SAG_Install_Directory\InternalDataStore\config.