API Gateway 10.11 | Using API Gateway | Usage Scenarios | Team Support | Team Support Considerations
Team Support Considerations
Visibility and Accessibility of Assets
As stated in previous sections, when an asset is assigned to one or more teams, only the members of the assigned teams have access to the assets based on their functional privileges. This would also be applicable in the global search field. When you search an asset using a keyword, the search returns only the assets that are assigned to your teams.
Also, when you manage features for an asset like Polices, API Mashup, and Applications where assets that do not belong to your team are involved, you can view those assets. However, you cannot perform any action on the assets that do not belong to your team.
For example, consider an application assigned to your team is created with more than one API and only one of those APIs is assigned to your team. In such cases, you can view the APIs that are used to create the application; and you will have no access to the APIs that are not a part of your teams.
Importing and Exporting Teams and Assets
Team members can import or export assets if they are assigned with the required functional privileges.
*When assets are exported, the respective team details are exported along with the assets; members of the teams are not exported.
*When assets are imported, the respective team is created if it is not present already; members of the teams cannot be imported.
*When team is exported, the users and groups that are part of team can be selected for export if required.
*When team is imported, the users and groups are imported along with the team.
Promoting Assets
Members of a team can promote assets from one source stage to one or more target stages if they have the required functional privileges.
*When assets (all except teams) are promoted, they are promoted along with their team details; users are not promoted.
*When teams are promoted, the users and groups of teams can be promoted if required.