API Gateway 10.11 | Upgrading and Migrating to API Gateway | Upgrading API Gateway with external Elasticsearch and Kibana
Upgrading API Gateway with external Elasticsearch and Kibana
You can upgrade API Gateway when it uses external components like Elasticsearch and Kibana are configured with API Gateway.
External component flavors and upgrade procedures
External component
Upgrade procedure
External Elasticsearch for core data and analytics
API Gateway uses external Elasticsearch to store the core data and analytics.
To upgrade a standalone API Gateway in such scenario, see Upgrading standalone API Gateway.
To upgrade a API Gateway cluster in such scenario, see Upgrading API Gateway cluster.
External Elasticsearch for core data
API Gateway uses external Elasticsearch to store the core data.
To upgrade a standalone API Gateway in such scenario, see Upgrading standalone API Gateway.
To upgrade a API Gateway cluster in such scenario, see Upgrading API Gateway cluster.
External Elasticsearch for analytics through destination
API Gateway uses external Elasticsearch for analytics through destination. In this case, no migration is needed.
External Kibana
API Gateway uses external Kibana for search and data visualization capabilities. In this case, no migration is needed.