API Gateway 10.11 | Administering API Gateway | API Gateway Configuration with Command Central | Manage API Data Store Configurations in Command Central | Administering API Data Store | Starting, Stopping, and Restarting API Data Store | Starting, Stopping, and Restarting API Data Store on Windows
Starting, Stopping, and Restarting API Data Store on Windows
When you install API Data Store on a Windows operating system, you can start and stop your API Data Store instance using the Windows Start menu or using scripts.
To start or stop API Data Store using the Windows Start menu, go to Start > product install folder, select Start API Data Store 10.11 or Stop API Data Store 10.11 respectively.
To start, stop, or restart API Data Store using scripts, run:
*Start API Data Store -
Software AG_directory \InternalDataStore\bin\config\startup.bat
*Stop API Data Store -
Software AG_directory \InternalDataStore\config\bin\shutdown.bat
*Restart API Data Store -
Software AG_directory \InternalDataStore\config\bin\restart.bat