API Gateway 10.11 | Upgrading and Migrating to API Gateway | Upgrading API Gateway in Zero Downtime | Introduction | Shutdown REST API
Shutdown REST API
You can use the following request to shutdown the API Gateway server.
POST /rest/apigateway/shutdown

"bounce": "true/false",
"option": "force/drain",
"timeout": 10,
"quiesce": "true/false"
The parameters used in the request are described in the following table:
Specifies whether to restart the API Gateway server after shutdown. If you specify the value as true, the API Gateway server restarts. The default value is false.
Specifies whether to shutdown the API Gateway server immediately or after all client sessions are ended. If you specify the value as force, the API Gateway server is shutdown immediately. If you specify the value as drain, API Gateway waits for a maximum period of time for all the client sessions to end before shutdown.
Specifies the maximum wait time in minutes before the API Gateway server is shutdown when drain option is specified.
If you specify value as true, API Gateway flushes the in-memory data like performance metrics, license metrics, and subscription quota to Elasticsearch or API Data Store before the API Gateway server is shutdown. After this when API Gateway is restarted either manually or using bounce parameter, the Integration Server is started in quiesce mode.
In a cluster, the flushing of in-memory data is performed only on one of the nodes and on other nodes the API call returns immediately by eliminating the flush time. The default value is false.