API Gateway 10.11 | Using API Gateway | REST APIs in API Gateway | Document Management
Document Management
API Gateway provides the capability to store and manage the documents associated with an API.
API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage the documents associated with APIs:
*GET/rest/apigateway/documents/{documentId}: Retrieves the requested document from API Gateway.
*PUT/rest/apigateway/documents/{documentId}: Updates the requested document in API Gateway.
*DELETE/rest/apigateway/documents/{documentId}: Deletes the requested document from API Gateway.
*PATCH/rest/apigateway/documents/{documentId}: Patches the requested document in API Gateway.
*POST/rest/apigateway/documents: Creates and stores the documents in API Gateway.
For details about the REST API, see https://github.com/SoftwareAG/webmethods-api-gateway/blob/10.11/apigatewayservices/APIGatewayDocumentManagement.json.
For details about sample payloads, import Postman collection from the following link in Postman client: https://github.com/SoftwareAG/webmethods-api-gateway/blob/10.11/apigatewayservices/postmancollections/apis/document-mangement-service/DocumentManagementService.json.