Application Management
API Gateway provides the capability to create applications, retrieve application information, update application properties as required, and delete the existing applications using a REST API. You can use this REST API to register APIs to the application, modify details of the registered APIs for the application, and unregister APIs from the application.
API Gateway provides the following REST API and the resources to manage applications:
GET/rest/apigateway/applications: Retrieves the list of available applications in
API Gateway. You can also use this to retrieve details for a particular application by providing the applicationId.
POST/rest/apigateway/applications: Creates an application in
API Gateway.
DELETE/rest/apigateway/applications: Deletes the specified application in
API Gateway.
GET/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}: Retrieves the details of the specified application in
API Gateway.
PUT/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}: Updates the details of the specified application in
API Gateway.
PATCH/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}: Suspends the specified application in
API Gateway.
GET/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/apis: Retrieves the list of registered APIs for the specified application in
API Gateway.
POST/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/apis: Registers APIs with the specified application in
API Gateway.
PUT/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/apis: Updates the details of the APIs that are registered with the specified application in
API Gateway.
DELETE/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/apis: Unregisters APIs from the specified application in
API Gateway. You can also use this to unregister a particular API by providing the apiIDs.
GET/rest/apigateway/strategies: Retrieves a list of all strategies in
API Gateway.
POST/rest/apigateway/strategies: Creates a strategy in
API Gateway. The API request body must contain the payload for the strategy.
DELETE/rest/apigateway/strategies: Deletes the specified strategy in
API Gateway.
GET/rest/apigateway/strategies/{strategyId}: Retrieves the details of the specified strategy in
API Gateway.
PUT/rest/apigateway/strategies/{strategyId}: Updates the details of the specified strategy in
API Gateway.
PUT/rest/apigateway/strategies/{strategyId}/refreshCredentials: Refreshes the credentials of the specified strategy in
API Gateway.
GET/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/accessTokens: Retrieves a map of access token endpoints for all the authorization servers configured in
API Gateway.
POST/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/accessTokens: Regenerates the access tokens of an application in
API Gateway.
PUT/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/accessTokens: Updates the access tokens of an application in
API Gateway.
DELETE/rest/apigateway/applications/{applicationId}/accessTokens: Deletes the access tokens from a specified application in
API Gateway.
GET/rest/apigateway/applications/_search: Retrieves a list of available applications in
API Gateway based on the search query parameters.