API Gateway 10.11 | Upgrading and Migrating to API Gateway | Migrating from Mediator to API Gateway
Migrating from Mediator to API Gateway
API Gateway supports the migration of Mediator 9.7 and later; earlier versions of Mediator should be migrated first.
Migrating Mediator Deployments to API Gateway
Existing Mediator deployments can be migrated to API Gateway by publishing the virtual service, applications, and runtime aliases to API Gateway. This lets you build an API Gateway runtime enforcement landscape in parallel to the existing Mediator landscape.
To migrate the existing Mediator deployments, perform the following procedure:
*For all installed Mediators:
1. Stop Mediator.
2. Install corresponding API Gateway.
3. Migrate Mediator configuration to API Gateway.
*For all Mediator targets configured in CentraSite:
1. Configure a corresponding API Gateway in CentraSite.
2. Deploy all virtual services from the Mediator target to the corresponding API Gateway.
3. Optional. Undeploy all virtual services from the Mediator target.
The procedure assumes that the Mediators and the corresponding API Gateway provide the same endpoints. Therefore either the Mediator or its corresponding API Gateway can be up and running. If the endpoint compatibility is not required it is not necessary to stop the Mediators. Also undeploying the Mediator deployments is optional. This means Mediator and API Gateway can be driven by CentraSite in parallel.
Migrating Mediator Configurations to API Gateway
As the publishing of virtual services, applications, and runtime aliases to API Gateway is done through CentraSite, CentraSite is required for migrating Mediator to API Gateway.
To migrate existing Mediator configurations to API Gateway, perform the following procedure:
1. Run IS migration using the IS migration tool.
For details of the IS migration tool, see Upgrading Software AG Products On Premises.
2. Run Mediator migration using the API Gateway migration tool.
The API Gateway migration tool is available within the IS instance running the API Gateway. If API Gateway is running in the default IS instance the tool is available in the folder: Install_Dir/IntegrationServer/instances/default/packages/WmAPIGateway/bin/migrate.
The script migrateFromMediator.sh has two parameters:
*Full path to Integration service installation running the Mediator to be migrated. (for example, E:/SoftwareAG/IntegrationServer)
*Name of the instance that is running the Mediator (for example, default)
On Unix the script can be invoked as follows:
./migrateFromMediator.sh /opt/softwareag/IntegrationServer default
On Windows the script can be invoked as follows:
migrateFromMediator.bat C:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer default
3. Start API Gateway.
The Mediator configuration migration covers the following configuration items:
*HTTP Configuration
*Keystore Configuration
*Ports Configuration
*Service Fault
*Extended Settings
The following configuration items are not automatically migrated. The configuration of these items have to be done manually in API Gateway.
*Security Token Service (STS) Configuration
*apig_rest_service_redirect parameter: When you set this to true, the apig_rest_service_redirect in the extended Administration setting in API Gateway REST requests against the /mediator directive will be redirected to the /gateway directive. This means that REST requests can be sent to /mediator and to /gateway.
*The Mediator configuration migration can only be applied to a fresh API Gateway installation once.
*On migrating from Mediator to API Gateway, API Gateway does not modify or change anything that is part of the incoming request. The incoming request along with the query parameters or headers is forwarded to the native service as it is without any modification. If you require API Gateway to remove any invalid query parameters, in API Gateway UI, add webMethods IS service under Request transformation policy > Advanced Transformation, configure any flow service and select Comply to IS spec.