API Gateway 10.11 | Administering API Gateway | Performance Tuning and Scaling | Data Separation
Data Separation
Storing Analytics Data in external Elasticsearch
API Gateway stores the data in API Data Store by default. It includes the core data and analytics data. These two data types are different in the following ways:
Core data
Analytics data
Includes APIs and assets that are critical to keep business running.
Includes the API analytics data
Requires frequent backup. For example, 15 minutes.
Can be backed up in lesser frequent intervals. For example, 24 hours.
Requires lesser storage space than the analytics data.
Requires huge storage space.
Hence, if you are managing large transactions volume, Software AG recommends that you save the core data and analytics data separately.
To separate the core data from analytics data, you can configure an external Elasticsearch and save the analytics data as illustrated in fig below.
When you save the analytics data in an external Elasticsearch instance, the data is not reflected in the API Gateway Dashboard. You can configure a separate Kibana dashboard for your external Elasticsearch destination.