API Gateway 10.11 | Administering API Gateway | Deployment | Deployment Configurations | Connecting to an External Kibana
Connecting to an External Kibana
Considerations when you configure an External Kibana:
*Ensure the Kibana version is compatible with the Elasticsearch version as Kibana and Elasticsearch have a one-to-one mapping. For details on version compatibility, see Support Matrix.
*Turn off Kibana auto start in one of the following ways:
*By using Externalized configuration files. For details, see Using the Externalized Configuration Files. Software AG recommends using this configuration.
*By setting the property apigw.kibana.autostart to false located in C:\API Gateway instance\profiles\IS_default\apigateway\config\uiconfiguration.properties.
You can have one of the following Kibana configurations:
*Default Kibana connected to API Data Store.
*External Kibana connected to API Data Store.
You can configure this setup as follows:
For an external Kibana to connect to API Data Store you have to configure the following properties in the kibana.yml file where you have installed the external Kibana.
server.port: port number
Specifies which server port to use.
Example: 9405
server.host: server host IP address or host name
Specifies the host to bind the server to.
The default value is localhost, which means the remote machines will not be able to connect. To allow connections for remote users you must set this parameter to a non-loopback address.
Example: ""
server.basePath: server path of the proxy
Specifies the proxy setting to render the charts from the external Kibana in API Gateway UI.
The server path you specify must not end with a /.
Value: "/apigatewayui/dashboardproxy"
elasticsearch.hosts: http://hostname:port
Specifies the URLs of the Elasticsearch instance to use for all your queries.
Example: "http://localhost:9240"
kibana.index: gateway_tenant_name_dashboard
Specifies the index in Elasticsearch, which Kibana uses to store saved searches, visualizations, and dashboards. It creates a new index if it does not exist.
Example: "gateway_default_dashboard"
You can find these values in the kibana.yml file of the internal Kibana installed location C:\API Gateway instance\profiles\IS_default\apigateway\dashboard\config. You can copy these values in the kibana.yml file of the external Kibana in the respective installed location.
If you are using a Kibana version different than the one shipped with API Gateway that is compatible with the Elasticsearch version, you have to specify the Kibana version in the config.json file located at C:\API Gateway instance\IntegrationServer\instances\default\packages\WmAPIGateway\config\resources\kibana\config\7\. For details on version compatibility, see Support Matrix.
*Embedded Kibana connected to External Elasticsearch to store all API Gateway assets then configure the following:
Open the kibana.yml file located at C:\API Gateway instance\profiles\IS_default\apigateway\dashboard\config and specify the external Elasticsearch host and port details, which the Kibana has to connect to, as follows:
# The Elasticsearch instance to use for all your queries.
elasticsearch.hosts: "http://host_name:port"
*External Kibana connected to External Elasticsearch.
You can configure this setup by using externalized configuration files. For details, see Using the Externalized Configuration Files.
When using external Elasticsearch and external Kibana the startup of the components must follow the following order:
1. Start Elasticsearch and verify the cluster health.
2. Start the API Gateway service.
3. After API Gateway is started and available, start Kibana.