API Gateway 10.11 | Upgrading and Migrating to API Gateway | Upgrading API Gateway in Zero Downtime | Upgrading Major Versions in Zero Downtime | Clean the data in the new API Data Store
Clean the data in the new API Data Store
You must perform this operation on the new API Gateway instance. For a cluster setup, you must do this in only one of the nodes.
Once you start the new API Gateway instance, you must clean the data in the Elasticsearch or API Data Store. You can run the following request to clean the data in the Elasticsearch or API Data Store.
POST /rest/apigateway/migration

"action": "clean"
As a safety measure, by default this action takes a data backup, before cleaning the data. As a prerequisite to backup data, you must configure the path.repo property in the elasticsearch.yml file for the Elasticsearch or API Data Store, to take a snapshot in the location specified in the path.repo property. If the administrator deliberately wants to exclude the backup of data, then add "backup": false in the payload.
When the clean operation is completed, API Gateway sends out a notification with the result details through the registered webhooks. You can run the following request to check the status of the operation.
GET /rest/apigateway/migration/status?action=clean
If the above request returns success as the status, the data is cleaned successfully.
If the clean request fails with an error or the status returned with a failure, stop proceeding with the next steps. If the error persists, contact Software AG support team for help with all the relevant logs for further analysis.