API Gateway 10.11 | Using API Gateway | APIs | Publishing APIs | Publishing APIs to API Portal
Publishing APIs to API Portal
Publishing a Single API to API Portal
Publishing Multiple APIs to API Portal in a Single Operation
Publishing an API to API Portal sends the SOAP and REST APIs to API Portal on which they are exposed for testing and user consumption.
API Gateway does not support publishing GraphQL API to API Portal.
The process of publishing an API to API Portal is initiated from API Gateway and is carried out on the API Portal server.
Doing this involves the following high-level steps:
*Step 1: You initiate the publish process by selecting the API to be published, specify the API endpoints to be visible to the consumers, and the API Portal communities in which the API is to be published.
*Step 2: API Gateway publishes the API to each of the specified API Portal communities.
*Step 3: During bulk publishing of APIs, the process continues even if API Gateway encounters a failure with API Portal.
When publishing an API to the API Portal destination, keep the following points in mind:
*The API Portal destination must be configured in API Gateway.
*You must have the Publish to API Portal functional privilege.
*You cannot publish an API if it is in inactive state. You have to activate the API before publishing it.