API Gateway 10.11 | Administering API Gateway | API Gateway Configuration with Command Central | Overview
Command Central allows users who have administration privileges to administer API Gateway and API Data Store.
Command Central is a centralized application using which administrators can configure multiple Software AG products at a time. When you install API Gateway using Command Central, API Gateway and API Data Store are installed. API Gateway communicates with this API Data store by default. This feature helps administrators to make API Gateway to use an external data store (Elasticsearch) to store its core data and analytics, configure external Kibana, in addition to managing the product configurations such as Ports, Keystores, Truststores, Loggers, License Keys, General Properties, and Clustering.
You can perform the following common functions available in Command Central for API Gateway:
*Install API Gateway using Command Central
*Update fixes using Command Central
*Manage configurations and life cycle of API Data Store
*Product configurations of API Gateway
*General Properties
*License Keys
*Inter-component and Cluster configurations
*Elasticsearch Connection Settings
*Kibana Connection Settings
*API Gateway Clustering
Since Command Central supports configuring through its UI and using templates, users can pick their choice for configuring the above seen components. In a typical scenario, administrators prefer configuring through the UI when it is a first time setup and for subsequent configurations, they use templates.
This section describes the operations that are specific to API Gateway. For all common operations, see the Software AG Command Central Help.