For this parameter... | Specify... |
Package Name | The package associated with this port. When you enable the package, the server enables the port. When you disable the package, the server disables the port. If you are performing special file handling, specify the package that contains the services that perform that processing. If you want to process flat files from this port, select WmFlatFile, which contains built-in services you can use to process flat files. Note: If you replicate this package, whether to a server on the same machine or a server on a separate machine, a file polling port with the same settings is created on the target server. If a file polling port already exists on the target server, its settings remain intact. If the original and target servers reside on the same machine, they will share the same monitoring directory. If the target server resides on another machine, by default, another monitoring directory will be created on the target server's machine. |
Alias | An alias for the port that is unique for this Integration Server. An alias must be between 1 and 255 characters in length and include one or more of the following: letters (a -z, A-Z), numbers (0-9), underscore (_), period (.), and hyphen (-). |
Description | A description of the port. |
For this parameter... | Specify... | |
Monitoring Directory | Directory on Integration Server that you want to monitor for files. | |
Working Directory (optional) | Directory on Integration Server to which the server should move files for processing after they have been identified in the Monitoring Directory. Files must meet age and file name requirements before being moved to the Working Directory. The default sub-directory, MonitoringDirectory \..\Work, is automatically created if no directory is specified. | |
Completion Directory (optional) | Directory on Integration Server to which you want files moved when processing is completed in the Monitoring Directory or Working Directory. The default sub-directory, MonitoringDirectory \..\Done, is automatically created if no directory is specified. Note: You can instruct Integration Server to append a time stamp to a file before moving it to the Completion Directory. To do this, update the properties.cnf file to include appendTimeStampToFileName=true. The resulting name follows this convention: FilePolling.<timestamp>.<counter>.<file_Name> The properties.cnf file is located here: Integration Server_directory \instances\instanceName\packages\WmFlatFile\config If the properties.cnf file does not exist, create it. | |
Error Directory (optional) | Directory on Integration Server to which you want files moved when processing fails. The default sub-directory, MonitoringDirectory \..\Error, is automatically created if no directory is specified. | |
File Name Filter (optional) | The file name filter for files in the Monitoring Directory. Integration Server only processes files that meet the filter requirements. If you do not specify this field, all files will be polled. You can specify pattern matching in this field. Note: This filter accepts only GLOB type patterns. | |
File Age (optional) | The minimum age (in seconds) at which a file in the Monitoring Directory can be processed. Integration Server determines file age based on when the file was last modified on the monitoring directory. You can adjust this age as needed to make sure the server does not process a file before the entire file has been copied to the Monitoring Directory. The default is 0. | |
Content Type | Content type to use for the file. The server uses the content handler associated with the content type specified in this field. If no value is specified, Integration Server performs MIME mapping based on the file extension. The File Polling port handles XML content in the following manner: ![]() ![]() ![]() Note: To override the default encoding, update the properties.cnf file to include filepollingport=encodingType where encodingType is the encoding that you want the flat file parser to use for parsing XML files. The properties.cnf file is located here: Integration Server_directory \instances\instanceName\packages\WmFlatFile\config If the properties.cnf file does not exist, create it. | |
Allow Recursive Polling | Whether Integration Server is to poll all sub-directories in the Monitoring Directory. Select Yes or No. | |
Enable Clustering | Whether Integration Server should allow clustering in the Monitoring Directory. Select Yes or No. | |
Lock File Extension (optional) | Defines the polling for a particular extension. The default is lock. | |
Number of files to process per interval (optional) | Specifies the maximum number of files that the file polling listener can process per interval. When you specify a positive integer, the file polling listener processes only that number of files from the monitoring directory. Any files that remain in the monitoring directory will be processed during subsequent intervals. If you specify -1 or do not specify a value, the listener processes all of the files in the monitoring directory. The default is -1. |
For this parameter... | Specify... |
Enable | Whether to enable (Yes) or disable (No) this file polling port. |
Processing Service | Name of the service you want Integration Server to execute for polled files. The server executes this service when the file has been copied to the Working directory. This service should be the only service available from this port. Important: If you change the processing service for a file polling port, you must also change the list of services available from this port to contain just the new service. See below for more information. |
File Polling Interval | How often (in seconds) you want Integration Server to poll the Monitoring Directory for files. |
Log Only When Directory Availability Changes | If you select No (the default), the listener will log a message every time the monitoring directory is unavailable. If you select Yes, the listener will log a message in either of the following cases: ![]() ![]() |
Directories are an NFS Mounted File System | For use on a UNIX system where the monitoring directory, working directory, completion directory, and/or error directory are network drives mounted on the local file system. If you select No (the default), the listener will call the Java File.renameTo() method to move the files from the monitoring directory to the working directory, and from the working directory to the completion and/or error directory. If you select Yes, the listener will first call the Java File.renameTo() method to move the files from the monitoring directory. If this method fails, the listener will then copy the files from the monitoring directory to the working directory and delete the files from the monitoring directory. This operation will fail if either the copy action or the delete action fails. The same behavior applies when moving files from the working directory to the completion and/or error directory. |
Cleanup Service (Optional) | The name of the service that you want to use to clean up the directories specified under Polling Information. |
Cleanup At Startup | Whether to clean up files that are located in the Completion Directory and Error Directory when the file polling port is started. |
Cleanup File Age (Optional) | The number of days to wait before deleting processed files from your directories. The default is 7 days. |
Cleanup Interval (Optional) | How often (in hours) you want Integration Server to check the processed files for cleanup. The default is 24 hours |
Maximum Number of Invocation Threads | The number of threads you want Integration Server to use for a port. You can specify a value between 1 and 10, inclusive. |