Software AG is pleased to introduce the webMethods ebXML Module 7.1. Built on top of the webMethods product suite, the webMethods ebXML Module extends webMethods capabilities to provide complete support for ebXML Messaging Specification (ebMS) versions 1.0 and 2.0, and also enables ebXML implementations to easily leverage the robust and comprehensive feature set of the entire webMethods product suite.
The webMethods ebXML Module provides the following new features:
webMethods ebXML 7.1 Module supports the ebXML CPP/CPA v2.0 specifications, and allows the user to import Collaboration Protocol Agreement (CPA) files created from CPP/CPA 2.0 schema definitions. Additionally, the trading partner agreements (TPAs) have been enhanced to easily manage and reuse parameters contained in the CPAs.
webMethods ebXML Module 7.1 supports multiple action values when importing the CPA file. Users can now set the action in the ebXML send message services to pick the value for the action from a list of values set up in the TPA.
webMethods ebXML Module 7.1 now enables the subject to be set in the email for ebXML messages that are sent using SMTP Transport. The subject is set using the CPA and Conversation IDs.
For details about the software and hardware required to run webMethods ebXML Module version 7.1, see the webMethods ebXML Module Installation and User's Guide.
For a list of all the changes and issues resolved since the last release, see the readme file for webMethods ebXML Module on the webMethods software download site or in the "_documentation" folder, located by default under the webMethods installation directory.
For information about previous releases of webMethods ebXML Module, see the release notes for those releases, below.
webMethods is pleased to announce the availability of the webMethods ebXML Module Version 6.0.1. In this release, webMethods offers concurrent support for the ebXML Messaging Specification (ebMS) version 1.0 and 2.0. The support is concurrent in that users can support the processing of either format using the same package.
The ebXML Module 6.0.1 concurrently supports the 1.0 and 2.0, which allows users to process both message formats using the same gateway.
The messaging input parameters have been moved to a new feature in Trading Networks called TPA (Trading Partner Agreements). This simplifies the managing and reuse of key parameters needed by send services using ebXML. Functionality also includes the ability to import ebXML CPA (Collaborative Partner Agreement) files to initially populate key TPA parameters.
Message Ordering (optional in the standard) is now supported to ensure that complex, multi-document conversations track the order in which documents are sent or received.
Performance enhancements and tuning have improved performance by approximately 20 percent.
For a list of all the changes and issues resolved since the last release, see the readme.txt file for webMethods ebXML Module on the webMethods software download site or in the directories in which you installed webMethods ebXML Module 6.0.1.
For details about the software and hardware required to run webMethods ebXML Module version 6.0.1, see the webMethods ebXML Module Installation Guide.
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