ebXML Module 7.1 SP1 | Understanding and Using webMethods EBXML Module | Installing and Using ebxml Module | ebXML Module Messaging Features | Large Business Document Handling
Large Business Document Handling
To send or receive large ebXML messages, configure your system to use the facilities of the ebXML Module for processing large messages. To use large document handling, you need to set configuration properties in the Trading Networks properties file and perform configuration tasks on the Integration Server.
*To enable the ebXML Module to handle large ebXML messages
1. Edit the IntegrationServer_directory\packages\WmTN\config\properties.cnf file to specify the following property:
tn.BigDocThreshold = size
where size specifies how many bytes a document must contain for Trading Networks to consider the document to be large. For example, if you specify the following, Trading Networks considers all documents greater than 1,000,000 bytes as large, when tn.BigDocThreshold=1000000
2. Save the properties.cnf file.
3. Reload the WmTN package.
When an ebXML message size is larger than the one you specify in the line above, webMethods Trading Networks processes the large message using the large message handling facility. For detailed information about the large message handling facilities, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
4. Configure settings for the webMethods Integration Server:
a. From the Integration Server Administrator, select Settings > Extended.
b. Click EditExtendedSettings. In the Extended Settings editor, specify values for the following properties:
*watt.server.tspace.timeToLive - The value set for this property specifies the minimum amount of time tspace will be alive. In case of a "File Not Found" exception message, increase the timeToLive value to a higher duration. The default value for this property is 30 seconds.
*watt.server.tspace.location - The absolute directory path of the hard disk drive space where Trading Networks is to temporarily store large documents rather than keep them in memory. The directory you specify is on the same machine as the Integration Server. For example:
For Windows: watt.server.tspace.location=D:\LargeDocTemp
For UNIX: watt.server.tspace.location=/opt/webmethods/tspace
If you do not specify a value for watt.server.tspace.location, Trading Networks uses the value defined by the Java system property java.io.tmpDir, which defaults to the value of the environment variable Temp on most platforms.
For information about these properties, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
5. Click Save Changes.
6. Restart the webMethods Integration Server for the changes to take effect.