Installing ebXML Module 7.1 SP1
To install
ebXML Module 7.1 SP1
1. If you are installing the module on an existing Integration Server, shut down the Integration Server.
3. Start the Software AG Installer wizard.
Choose the
webMethods release that includes the
Integration Server on which to install the module. For example, if you want to install the module on
Integration Server 7.1, choose the 7.1 release.
If you are installing on an existing
Integration Server, specify the
Software AG_directory that contains the host
Integration Server. If you are installing both the host
Integration Server and the module, specify the installation directory to use.
Installer will install the module in the
Integration Server_directory \packages directory.
In the product selection list, select
eStandards > webMethods ebXML Module7.1 SP1 > Program Files. You can also choose to install documentation and any required products indicated in the
webMethods eStandards Modules System Requirements .
4. After installation is complete, start the host Integration Server.
5. Verify the ebXML Module installation as follows:
a. On the Integration Server host machine, make sure the Integration Server_directory \packages\WmebXML directory exists. If it does not, uninstall and re-install the ebXML Module.
b. Make sure the WmebXML.jar and WmebXML601.jar files exist in the Integration Server_directory \packages\WmTN\jars directory.
The WmebXML601.jar file is for backward compatibility with ebXML Module 6.0.1 document types.
c. Start Integration Server Administrator and go to the Packages > Management page. Make sure the WmebXML package is loaded and enabled. If it is not, open the error log file and check for any dependencies. Fix the dependencies, save the package, and reload the package.