SWIFT Module 7.1 SP14.June 2024 | Package Services | XML Parsing Templates for SWIFT FIN Messages | Parsing Template Structure | Line Attribute Syntax of a Parsing Template | Hint Processing
Hint Processing
ExtractHint, idHint, and loadBlockHint are used in block and lineAttribute directives. The full syntax is provided in the following sections.
*Braced fields—Used where the data is enclosed in one or more bracing characters BR, <open brace characters>, <close brace characters>, <tag flag>, <tag position>.
*Delimited fields—Used where fields are delimited by a single character DL, <delimiting character>, <tag flag>, <tag position>
*Chunk data—Used where data is treated as a single chunk, without further parsing CK, <tag flag>, <tag position> or extractHint CK[, <from position>, <to position>] for idHint.
*Fixed length—Used where data occupies a fixed number of characters FL, <from position>, <to position>.
*Extract hint—Used to extract a fixed number of characters from the extract hint EH, <from position>, <to position>.
The remaining parameters are provided in the following table:
open brace character
any sequence of characters
The character(s) used to identify the beginning of the block or field
close brace character
any sequence of characters
The character(s) used to identify the end of the block or field
delimiting character
any character
A single character that separates fields
from position
numeric character
Starting character position used to extract fixed length data from the raw data after the block characters have been stripped off. First character is position 0.
to position
numeric character
Last character position plus one used to extract fixed length data.
tag flag
T or N
T (tagged)—Field tag is included with the data.
N (not tagged)—Data does not include the tag field
tag position
S or E
S (start)—Data tag precedes the data.
E (end)—Data tag follows the data.