SWIFT Module 7.1 SP14.June 2024 | Configuring SWIFT Module for FileAct and InterAct Message Exchange over SAG | Configuration Steps for InterAct and FileAct Messaging Services over SAG RAHA | Step 1: Prepare the Server to Handle Requests | Task 2: Configuring the SWIFTNet Component
Task 2: Configuring the SWIFTNet Component
*To configure the SWIFTNet component
1. Install an RA client on the same machine as Integration Server. The RA client enables the SWIFTNet component to communicate with your SAG and SNL through RAHA. To obtain an RA client, contact SWIFT.
2. Set the server application remote process connection settings.
a. From Integration Server Administrator, select Adapters > SWIFT.
b. On the SWIFT Module home page, select SWIFTNet Server Configuration> Edit.
c. On the SWIFTNet Server Configuration screen, in the SWIFTNet Remote Process Connection Configuration section, define how the remote process listeners connect to Integration Server for an incoming request from the SWIFT Network as follows:
For this property...
User Name
The Integration Server user that has permissions to execute the required services that the remote process listeners will invoke for incoming requests from the SWIFT Network.
The user password.
Host IP
The IP address of the machine on which Integration Server is running.
Host Port
The port of the machine on which Integration Server is running.
d. Test the remote process connection settings by clicking Test Connection Settings. SWIFT Module attempts to simulate opening a connection to Integration Server in the same way as the SWIFTNet process handlers to establish a connection in real-time for an incoming request from SWIFT Network.
If the test connection fails, an error message indicates which input values are incorrect. For example, if the Host IP address value is incorrect, the error message includes this value. You can enter the correct value and test again, if required.
3. Set the server application environment variables.
In the SWIFTNet Server Environment Info section on the SWIFTNet Server Configuration screen, set the following environment properties for the RA client.
For this property...
The cfg folder of the RA instance in your system, for example, c:\SWIFTAlliance\RA\Ra1\cfg\.
The system root folder. The value of this parameter depends on your operating system, for example, c:\windows.
The lib folder of the RA instance in your system, for example, c:\SWIFTAlliance\RA\lib.
The RA Home folder, for example, c:\SWIFTAlliance\RA.
The maximum number of processes the SWIFTNet component will process at the same time. The default is 3.
There is no maximum value for the number of processes. However, the number of processes specified should not exceed the concurrent server processes configured on SAG as specified in the SAG documentation.
RMI Port
The Remote Method Invocation (RMI) port where the remote process listeners will be bound in the Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) tree, for example, 10985.
4. Set the server application connection properties in the SWIFTNet Server SAG Connection Properties section of the SWIFTNet Server Configuration screen as described in the table below.
When Integration Server starts, SWIFT Module automatically registers itself as the server module with the SNL libraries on your SAG, and exchanges a series of pre-defined SNL primitives in sequence with your SNL libraries using your RA client.
You define the properties that SWIFT Module uses to populate these primitives. For the SWIFTNet component to exchange information with your SAG, you must set these properties using the information you used to configure your SAG in Task 1: Configuring SWIFT Alliance Gateway.
Set the following properties to define how to connect to SAG using the RAHA transport:
For this property...
The Server message partner defined in SAG.
The user name of the configured profile that will be used for opening a security context with SAG for sending the request to SWIFT Network.
The password associated with the user name of the server PKI profile defined in your SAG. This password is used to unlock the Server PKI profile.
The Distinguished Name to be used for sign, encryption, and authorization operations. Valid values are:
cn=encryptCN, o=bic, o=swift.
The Distinguished Name to be used for encryption. Value values are:
cn=encryptCN, o=bic, o=swift
Sign, Decrypt, and Authorization
True or False for each to specify whether the security context opened during server initialization should be used.
At least one field must be set to True.
True or Falseto populate the Sw:SubscribeFileEventRequest primitive exchanged during server initialization.
*True—Default. SWIFT Module receives all events generated by the SAG File subsystem during file transfer.
*FalseSWIFT Module receives only state transition events.
True or Falseto populate the Sw:SubscribeFileEventRequest primitive exchanged during server initialization.
*True—Default. SWIFT Module receives full details for each event report generated by the SAG system.
*FalseSWIFT Module does not receive the detailed status for the file transfer.
The file transfer event endpoint to which file transfer events are posted by your SAG during FileAct operations. This value is used to populate the primitive Sw:SubscribeFileEventRequest exchanged during server application initialization.
The default folder to receive incoming files. When this field is blank, the folder is created in the following location:
Integration Server_directory\packages\WmSWIFTNetServer\pub\SWIFTNetReceptionFolder.
If the specified folder does not exist, it is created.
The default transfer endpoint of the remote file handler. This property is optional on Windows systems and required on UNIX systems. If this field is specified, the value must match a remote file handler endpoint running on the same machine as Integration Server.
For information about invoking the remote file handler, see Step 3: Invoke the Remote File Handler.
Specifies how your SAG performs encryption operations. Valid values are: Automatic or Manual.
The transport type that SWIFT Module uses to initialize the server application to handle incoming responses from the SWIFT Network. In this case, specify RAHA.
The values specified for all properties in the table, except for the SAGMessagePartner and Transport properties, are used by the sample services. For information about the sample services, see webMethods SWIFT Module Samples Guide.
5. Click Save to save all configuration settings.