SWIFT Module 7.1 SP14.June 2024 | Getting Started | Concepts | SWIFTNet Component | SWIFT File Transfer Adapter Support
SWIFT File Transfer Adapter Support
The SWIFTNet component of SWIFT Module provides integration support for the File Transfer Adapter (FTA) provided by SWIFT. You can use FTA to automate file transfer between parties over SWIFTNet.
SWIFT Module makes the file available on the SWIFT Alliance Gateway (SAG) host. Then the File Transfer interface (FT-interface) provided by SWIFT automatically transfers the file over SWIFTNet using FTA configuration data.
With SWIFT Module, you can also create a companion file with custom parameters to override the FTA configuration data, for example, local authentication information, override values, and header information. You can also monitor the SAG input directory for reports that FTA generates about the processing status of data files. For information about how to transfer files using FTA, see Using FTA to Transfer Files over SWIFTNet.