SWIFT Module 7.1 SP14.June 2024 | Package Services | WmFIN Package Services | wm.fin.sepa Folder | wm.fin.sepa:getPreferredPaymentChannel
This service determines whether the counterpart financial institution has specified a preferred payment channel for receiving payment instructions, as follows:
1. Splits the BIC into a BIC code (the first 8 characters) and a branch code (characters 9 to 11). If the branch code is empty, substitutes it with XXX.
2. Searches the data file with the BIC code, branch code, service level (for example, SEPA), scheme instrument, and preferred channel flag set to P.
3. If no record is found for a specific branch code, the service repeats the search with XXX in the branch code.
If a record is found, then the PaymentChannelID field in the retrieved record provides the preferred payment channel. The ValidFrom and ValidTo date fields restrict the validity of the entry.
If no record is found, then there is no preferred channel.
If no available payment channels are found, the output for the service contains the following message: “No Preferred Payment Channel found.”
Input Parameters
String BIC code of the financial institution.
String The SEPA service level.
String The scheme instruments within the SEPA service level for which data is collected and published.
Output Parameters
String Conditional. Indicates that there is no preferred payment channel.
Document List The preferred payment channel.
String The ID of the preferred payment channel.
ValidFrom, ValidTo
String Show the validity of the preferred payment channel.
String Specifies the error message, if an error occurs.
String Indicates whether an error occurred. Valid values: yes and no.