SWIFT Module 7.1 SP14.June 2024 | Package Services | WmFIN Package Services | wm.fin.bic Folder | wm.fin.bic:deriveBICfromIBAN
This service uses the IBAN provided as input and derives a valid BIC code based on the logic specified by SWIFT. The service does the following:
1. Retrieves the Country Code and the National Code from the IBAN and validates as follows:
a. Retrieves the country code (the first two characters of the IBAN).
b. Finds the record with the corresponding IBAN Country_Code in the IBAN Structure list.
c. Uses the bank identifier position and IBAN national ID length fields to establish the start position and the length of the data to extract within the IBAN.
d. Applies these parameters to the IBAN to extract the IBAN_National_Id.
2. Retrieves the BIC issued with the IBAN, as follows:
a. Searches the IBAN_Country_Code and Unique_IBAN_National_Id fields that contain the values from step 1.
b. The record retrieved from the IBAN_BIC_Code and IBAN_ Branch_Code fields contains the BIC to be used together with the IBAN.
Input Parameters
String IBAN of the financial institution.
Output Parameters
String Country code of the financial institution retrieved from the IBAN (the first two characters of the IBAN).
String The national identifier of the financial institution retrieved from the IBAN.
String Country code prefix of the IBAN of the financial institution.
String IBAN National ID. For search purposes, the value is unique in the data file per IBAN_Country_Code.
String BIC code of the financial institution, country, or location code).
String Branch code of the financial institution that corresponds to the BIC_Code.
String The BIC code that corresponds to the IBAN.
String Branch code of the financial institution that corresponds to the IBAN_BIC_Code.
String The routing or processing BIC to which the payment must be sent.
String Branch code of the financial institution that corresponds to the Routing_BIC_Code.
String Specifies whether an error occurred. Valid values: yes and no.
String Specifies the error message if an error occurs.