SWIFT Module 7.1 SP13.June 2023 | Configuring SWIFT Module for Message Exchange over SAA | Customizing Trading Partner Agreements | Modifying the TPA
Modifying the TPA
*To modify Trading Partner Agreements to send and receive messages in SWIFT Module
1. In the Agreement Details screen, define the parameters as described in the table below:
TPA Information
The name of the sending trading partner or “Unknown.” Select the sender from the profiles defined in Trading Networks, including your own profile.
If you specify a partner for sender, you must also specify a partner for receiver. Likewise, if you specify Unknown for sender, you must specify Unknown for receiver.
The name of the trading partner that receives the message from SWIFT. Select the receiver from the profiles defined in Trading Networks, including your own profile.
Agreement ID
Uniquely identifies the agreement between two partners, for example, MT541. This is a placeholder for the TN document type name (for example, “MT541”).
IS Document Type
The IS document type wm.fin.doc:UserParameters specifies the SWIFT TPA parameters.
Agreement Status
Set to “Agreed.” To process messages according to a TPA, both sender and receiver TPAs must have the Agreement Status, “Agreed.”
The Sender and Receiver fields initially display a default value of “Unknown.” The TPA identifies the business names of the sender and receiver, however, SWIFT Module identifies the sender and receiver using their BIC.
2. Complete the following additional SWIFT-specific TPA input parameters.
TPA Section
FIN Process
The SWIFT interface used to send and receive SWIFT FIN messages. Valid values are:
*MQ (Default). WebSphere MQ Adapter.
*CASmf. CASmf interface.
*AFT. Automated File Transfer interface.
*TEST. Tests the processing of a FIN message without sending the message to SWIFT.
The SWIFT FIN message type identifier, such as 541, Receive Against Payment.
IS document type for this message. IS document types for each message are located in the WmFINMessages package, for example, wm.fin.doc.nov10. cat5:MT541.
Version of the SWIFT message, for example nov10.
Message Format
The format of the generated blocks and fields for the input FIN message. Valid values are:
*TAG_BIZNAME (default). SWIFT Message tag followed by the business name specified in the message DFD, for example, 23G_Function of the Message.
*TAGONLY. SWIFT Message tag only, for example, 23G:.
*BIZNAMEONLY. Business name specified in the message DFD, for example, Function of the Message.
*XMLTAG. XML-compatible tag name. This format cannot contain colons or tags that begin with a number, for example, F23G.
Indicates whether to parse SWIFT messages to the field or subfield level. Valid values are:
*true (default). Parse to subfield level.
*false. Parse to field level.
If you change this setting after creating message records, you must delete the message records pertaining to the TPA and recreate them.
Optional. Indicates whether to use a processing rule to manage message execution. To do so, type the service name to use. For more information, see Receiving Messages from SWIFT.
Optional. Indicates whether to validate the message. Valid values are Yes and No.
Optional. Indicates whether to validate BIC information in the message. Valid values are Yes and No.
Optional. Indicates whether to validate the message against network rules. Valid values are Yes and No.
Network ValidationService
Optional. Name of the network validation service to use to validate network rules.
Optional. Indicates whether to validate the message against Market Practice rules. Valid values are Yes and No.
MarketPractice RulesService
Optional. Name of the Market Practice rules validation service to use.
ValidateUsage Rules
Optional. Indicates whether to validate this message against usage rules. Valid values are Yes and No.
Optional. Name of the usage validation service to validate the usage rules.
Message Header
This section contains information to be populated in blocks {B1}, {B2}, and {B3} of the outbound SWIFT message.
Logical Terminal
The logical terminal identifier defined in SAA.
Identifies the application within which the message is sent or received. Valid values are:
*F. SWIFT FIN. All FIN user-to-user, FIN system, and FIN service messages.
*A. GPA. GPA system and service messages.
*L. GPA. Certain GPA service messages (for example, LOGIN, LAK, ABORT).
Identifies the type of data being sent or received:
*01—User-to-user messages.
*21—Message acknowledgments.
Indicates the priority with which to deliver the message to the receiver. Valid values are:
*N—Deliver with normal priority.
*U—Deliver with urgent priority.
*S—Deliver with system priority.
Optional. Enables the sender to request delivery monitoring. Valid values are:
*None—Do not perform delivery monitoring.
*1—Non-delivery warning. Requests automatic MT010 warning if message is not delivered within the obsolescence period, (15 minutes for U Priority, 100 minutes for N Priority).
*2—Delivery notification. Requests automatic MT011 notification after message is delivered.
*3—Both. Requests both automatic non-delivery warning and delivery notification.
Optional. (Used with FINCopy messages only.) Three-character system ID used to support access to multiple services with the same CBT.
Optional. Four-character field agreed upon by two or more parties to indicate priority.
Optional. Indicates whether special validation must be completed at SWIFT. For information about the MT message standards, see the SWIFT User Handbook/Standards.
Optional. Information from the central institution to the receiver of the payment message. This information is used in the input of MT097, FIN Copy Message Authorization Refusal Notification.
Indicates whether a message is sent to or received from a test and training logical terminal.
putMessage HandlerService
The name of the service generated when creating a message handler service for IS-to-WebSphere MQ transport. For more information, see Using WebSphere MQ Adapter to Communicate with SWIFT.
Fully qualified path of the folder you want the file polling listener to poll for this message, for example, c:\folder\bic.dat.
This folder must be accessible by both Integration Server and SAA.
Optional. File extension of the files to be received from the AFT folder. The default is inp.
For complete instructions on modifying TPAs, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.