SWIFT Module 7.1 SP13.June 2023 | Configuring SWIFT Module for Message Exchange over SAA | Defining Trading Networks Information | About Trading Partner Profiles | Defining Trading Networks Profiles
Defining Trading Networks Profiles
*To define Trading Partner Profiles
1. Define your enterprise profile (My Enterprise) in Trading Networks by completing the following required fields:
Required Profile Field for Enterprise
Corporation Name
The name of your enterprise
External ID Type
External ID Type Value
Your enterprise's BIC
The BIC External ID Type is added to the Trading Networks database when you run the script to create a BIC table in the database.
2. Define a trading partner profile in Trading Networks for each trading partner with whom you exchange SWIFT messages and files, completing the following fields:
Profile Field for Trading Partner
Corporation Name
The name of the trading partner
Partner Type
This specifies that the corporation uses Trading Networks. The default value is webMethods Trading Networks.
External ID Type
External ID Type Value
Your trading partner's BIC
For additional instructions on defining trading partner profiles, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.