SWIFT Module 7.1 SP13.June 2023 | Getting Started | Concepts | SWIFTNet Component | SWIFTNet Component Store-and-Forward Mode | Store and Forward InterAct
Store and Forward InterAct
Store-and-forward InterAct services are used for exchanging messages when the sender and receiver are not online simultaneously. To use this feature, the sender must specify that SnF be used to store the message and indicate the queue in which SWIFTNet SnF should store any delivery notifications that it generates. If the file delivery fails, the failed delivery notification, including the reason the delivery failed, is stored in the queue the sender specified in the RequestControl.
Client processes on the requester’s side initiate requests and related functions, and then pass a SWIFTNet primitive parameter to SNL representing the function to be performed.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<SwInt:Requestor>o=xxxx, o=swift</SwInt:Requestor>
<SwInt:Responder>o=xxxx, o=swift</SwInt:Responder>
<SwInt:RequestPayload>This is for SnF Queue</SwInt:RequestPayload>
If the instruction to trigger store-and-forward mode is not provided in the SwInt:DeliveryCtrl element for an SnF service request, then SWIFTNet will reject the message. The SwSec:UserDN within the SwSec:AuthorisationContext must have the RBAC role "SnFRequestor" with the queue, as specified in the SwInt:NotifQueue as qualifier.
The queue in SwInt:NotifQueue stores failed delivery notifications. It must belong to the same institution specified in the SwInt:Requestor. When the message is stored, SWIFTNet indicates this in the response.