SWIFT Module 7.1 SP13.June 2023 | Package Services | WmFIN Package Services | wm.fin.doc Folder | wm.fin.doc:FINOutboundMessage
Deprecated. Publishable document. SWIFT FIN messages sent via AFT or MQSeries are mapped into this document and published to webMethods Broker or Integration Server.
*If Transport= MQ, wm.fin.transport.MQSeries:MQSeriesPutTrigger subscribes to and processes this document. This trigger is deprecated.
*If Transport= AFT, wm.fin.transport.AFT:AFTOutboundTrigger subscribes to and processes this document. This trigger is deprecated.
Usage Notes
This document is deprecated.
Please see webMethods SWIFT Module Samples Guide for information about sending SWIFT FIN messages using the AFT or MQSeries.