SWIFT Module 7.1 SP12.July 2022 | Configuring SWIFT Module for Message Exchange over SAA | Defining Trading Networks Information | About Message Records | Creating Message Records
Creating Message Records
*To run the wm.fin.dev:importFINItems service
1. In Designer, navigate to the WmFIN package and run the wm.fin.dev:importFINItems service. (For information about running services in Designer, see the webMethods Service Development Help.)
2. Define the fields as specified in the following table:
FIN message type, for example, 564.
FIN version, for example, nov10.
The format of the generated blocks and fields for the input FIN message. Valid values:
*TAG_BIZNAME (default). SWIFT message tag followed by the business name specified in the message DFD, for example, 23G_Function of the Message. This format provides the best balance between readability and performance (causing half of the performance penalty of BIZNAMEONLY because lookups are used only when receiving a message).
*TAGONLY. SWIFT message tag only, for example, 23G:. This is the simplest format, provides the best performance, and is best-suited to those already familiar with SWIFT and specific messages.
*BIZNAMEONLY. Business name specified in the message DFD only, for example, Function of the Message. This format carries the largest performance penalty.
*XMLTAG. XML-compatible tag name, for example, F23G. This format lets you take advantage of the XML-specific services and functionality provided by Integration Server, such as pub.xml:documentToXMLString. This format cannot contain colons or tags that begin with a number.
Indicates whether the IS document type generated for the FIN message is parsed to the field or subfield level. Valid values are:
*true. Parses to the subfield level. For inbound messages, SWIFT Module automatically removes the SWIFT delimiter (/) from between subfields. For outbound messages, SWIFT Module adds the SWIFT delimiter (/) between subfields.
*false. Parse to the field level.
Indicates whether to create and insert a TN document type (used to recognize an incoming message). Set to true.
createProcessing Rule
Indicates whether to create a Trading Networks processing rule that specifies steps to execute for message processing.
*true (default). Create a processing rule.
*false. Do not create a processing rule.
If you are using processing rules to manage SWIFT FIN messages, you should always set this field to true.
Set this field to true to create and insert a Trading Networks trading partner agreement (TPA) for this message. A TPA is a set of parameters that govern how SWIFT FIN messages are exchanged between two trading partners.
You should always set this field to true.
The wm.fin.dev:importFINItems service copies the SWIFT message parsing templates and DFDs from the import folder into the DFD folder of the WmFIN package and creates the following assets for each message:
*IS document type
*TN document type
*Trading Partner Agreement (in “Proposed” status)
*Processing rule to process an inbound SWIFT message
*Network validation rules (if available)
*Market Practice rules (if available)
SAA sends SWIFT Acknowledgments (ACKs) and Negative Acknowledgments (NAKs) to SWIFT Module. DFDs for SWIFT ACKs and NAKs are automatically installed for you the first time you initialize Integration Server after installing SWIFT Module. The TN document types for ACKs and NAKs are added to the Trading Networks database if they are not already installed. The corresponding IS document types ACKs and NAKs are located in the wm.fin.doc.catF folder of the WmFIN package. The SWIFT templates for ACKs and NAKs are located in the directory: Integration Server_directory\ packages\WmFIN\config\The dfd.IS document types are created in the WmFINMessages package in the appropriate version folder and message category (for example, wm.fin.doc.nov10.cat5).