SWIFT Module 7.1 SP12.July 2022 | Getting Started | Concepts | SWIFT FIN Component | What Is a SWIFT MX Message?
What Is a SWIFT MX Message?
The SWIFT FIN component also supports the SWIFT Standards MX messages. MX messages are represented using eXtensible Markup Language (XML). With MX messages, you can transport structured information using XML and specify the structure of the message. At the highest level, an MX message is categorized by its business area, represented by four letters. For example, in camt.029.001.01, “camt” specifies the Cash Management business area. The three numbers that follow the letters identify the message functionality. The next three numbers identify the Variant ID, and the last two numbers show the version number.
An MX message contains the business area specific payload. Its structure is defined by the corresponding XML schema. The MX message is wrapped as the RequestPayload within the XML envelope. This request payload also contains the ApplicationHeader. This application header contains general information, and its usage is specific to the context of the service.
Sample SWIFT MX Message
<AppHdr xmlns="urn:swift:xsd:$ahV10">
<tns:Document xmlns:tns="urn:swift:xsd:setr.010.001.03">
<tns:AcctDsgnt>SMART INVESTOR</tns:AcctDsgnt>
<tns:GrssAmt Ccy="GBP">1050</tns:GrssAmt>
For information about MX messages, see SWIFT User Handbook.