SWIFT Module 7.1 SP12.July 2022 | Package Services | WmSWIFTCommon Package Services | com.wm.common.Util Folder | com.wm.common.Util:migrateServices
This service iterates through all flow services in a particular package and replaces all occurrences of old service names with the corresponding new service names from the service map maintained by SWIFT Module. The service also creates a backup of the previous version of the modified flow service, and stores it as flow.xml.previous.
You must reload the package specified in the input parameters manually after running the migration service for changes to take effect.
Input Parameters
String The name of the package where the migration utility will look for flow services.
String List Old service names from the WmIPCore package.
Output Parameters
Document List Conditional. The results from the flow service mapping.
String The name of the old service for which the result document is created.
String Conditional. The name of the new service that replaces the old one.
String Conditional. A message that this service returns when no occurrences of the old service were found in the package.
String List Conditional. List of files in which the name of the old service was replaced by the new service.