SWIFT Module 7.1 SP11.June 2021 | Configuring SWIFT Module for FileAct and InterAct Message Exchange over SAG | Configuration Steps for InterAct and FileAct Messaging Services over SAG MQHA | Step 1: Prepare the Server to Handle Requests | Task 3: Configuring Trading Networks Information
Task 3: Configuring Trading Networks Information
*To configure Trading Networks information
1. Define Trading Partner Profiles. Define trading partner profiles for your enterprise and each partner with whom you exchange files or messages. For more information about defining trading partner profiles for use with SWIFT Module, see About Trading Partner Profiles.
2. Define TN Document Types. TN document types are definitions that tell Trading Networks how to identify the incoming SNL request primitives and which processing rules to apply when processing the document. You must create a TN document type for each type of request that you handle.
For information about creating TN document types, see step 2 in Task 3: Configuring Trading Networks Information. For general information about using TN document types, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.
3. Create Mapping Services. A mapping service defines the response to return to the client. You must create a mapping service for each type of request that you handle. SWIFT Module provides sample services in the SWIFT Module samples that you can use as is or as a model to build your own services. For information about the sample services, see webMethods SWIFT Module Samples Guide.
4. Define Processing Rules. Processing rules enable you to process incoming requests. Assign a processing rule to a TN document type so that Trading Networks knows how to process the request, including which processing service to invoke. You must create a processing rule for each type of request you handle.
For information about processing rules, see step 4 in Task 3: Configuring Trading Networks Information. For general information about using processing rules, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.