SWIFT Module 7.1 SP11.June 2021 | Configuring SWIFT Module for Message Exchange over SAA | Creating Inbound and Outbound Mapping Services | Creating an Outbound Mapping Service | Inputs and Outputs
Inputs and Outputs
The input to the outbound mapping service is your back-end system document provided as the TN document type in the variable “bizEnv.”
For information about retrieving your back-end document from the bizEnv variable, see the outbound mapping services in the SWIFT Module samples, described in the webMethods SWIFT Module Samples Guide.
The outbound mapping service generates the output as the SWIFT message in the documents\payload IData object in the pipeline. For example, if you are mapping your back-end message to MT 564, the output of the mapping service would be MT564 in the documents\payload IData object. See the figure in Example of Mapping a Message for more information.
The output of the outbound mapping service must be placed in the documents\payload IData object. SWIFT Module converts an IData object into an XML string before sending the SWIFT message to the trading partner, and therefore must know the precise location of the IData object.
You must place the Agreement ID for this TPA in the documents\tpaAgreementID IData object. For more information about Agreement IDs, see Customizing Trading Partner Agreements.
If the documents for your back-end system have DTDs, you can automatically import an external DTD in Designer to provide a starting point for mapping. To do so, create an external record and specify the source as XML, DTD, or XML Schema.