SWIFT Module 7.1 SP11.June 2021 | Package Services | WmFIN Package Services | wm.xmlv2.notifications Folder | wm.xmlv2.notifications:handleDeliveryNotifications
This service processes incoming MT and MX message documents as follows:
*MT Message Delivery Notification Processing: Extracts the MIR from the Delivery Notification and searches the documents in the Trading Networks database for the Sender Reference that matches the MIR extracted from the notification.
When the search is successful, the service relates the Delivery Notification to the search results message as a “Delivery Notification.”
*MX Message Delivery Notification Processing: Extracts the ReconciliationInfo value from the Delivery Notification and searches the Trading Networks database for the corresponding Transmission Report with the matching ReconciliationInfo value.
When the search is successful, the service relates the Delivery Notification to the Transmission Report of the MX message. The Transmission Report is, in turn, already related to the MX message that was sent.
When the relevant record is found in the Trading Networks database, this service changes the status of the Delivery Notification to “reconciled.”
Input Parameters
Object The TN document type of the bizdoc.
Output Parameters