RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Customizing Trading Partner Agreements | Parameter Settings | wm.ip.rn.rec:UserParameters IS Document Type
wm.ip.rn.rec:UserParameters IS Document Type
The wm.ip.rn.rec:UserParameters IS document type describes the user parameters used in conversations for all PIPs. This structure is used internally and is not meant for general modification.
The TPA parameters described below, are the parameters part of the wm.ip.rn.rec:UserParameters IS document type.
TPA Section
Transport protocol type (for example, RNIF).
Version of the transport protocol (1.1 or 2.0).
Business classification of the sender (for example, manufacturer, distributor, or customs broker). This is populated in the GlobalPartnerClassificationCode tag describing the fromPartner in the service header.
For information about the valid values, see the fromPartner element details in the PIP specification corresponding to the executing PIP, activity, or action.
Business classification of the receiver (for example, buyer). This is populated in the GlobalPartnerClassificationCode tag describing the toPartner in the service header.
If the current message is a signal, the value of the fromPartner in the signal must be the same as that of the toPartner in the Action to which this signal is replying.
For information about the valid values, see the toPartner element details in the PIP specification corresponding to the executing PIP, activity, or action.
Whether the outbound RosettaNet PIP document for the conversation should be signed. Valid values are Yes or No.
Indicates if the inbound PIP document should contain your trading partner's signature. Valid values are Yes or No.
Algorithm used to generate the RosettaNet Message Digest (MD5 or SHA-1).
MD5 is not supported for RNIF version 2.0. Even if MD5 is selected for RNIF version 2.0, SHA-1 will be used.
Service that validates the RosettaNet PIP document. If you want to use custom service for inbound validation of payload, provide the path of custom service. To bypass inbound validation of a document, provide a dummy service.
If left blank, validation of the payload is performed against the PIP document. For large documents, the user should define the validation service to use.
If your process model handles both large and small business documents, your validation service also must handle both types of documents.
Indicates whether to validate the PIP document before sending it to the trading partner. Valid values are Yes or No.
This is populated in the GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode tag describing fromRole in the service header.
Additionally, this is also populated in the GlobalBusinessServiceCode tag describing fromService in the service header.
For valid values, see the fromService and fromRole details in the PIP specification corresponding to the executing PIP, activity, or action.
This is populated in the GlobalPartnerRoleClassificationCode tag describing toRole in the service header.
Additionally, this is also populated in the GlobalBusinessServiceCode tag describing toService in the service header.
If the current message is a signal, the value of fromService must be the same as toService in the action to which this signal is replying.
For valid values, see the toRole and toService details in the PIP specification corresponding to executing PIP, activity, or action.
Focal roles must be set correctly before running a transaction or the transaction will fail. The sender and receiver focal roles are reversed in the TPAs of the two trading partners exchanging documents for a two action PIP. For example, the focal role in the TPAs for Partner A, acting in role X, and Partner B, acting in role Y, would be as follows:
*Partner A TPA:
*SenderFocalRole = X
*ReceiverFocalRole = Y
*Partner B TPA:
*SenderFocalRole = Y
*ReceiverFocalRole = X
Focal roles are an important part of the ConversationID generated by RosettaNet Module. The ConversationID is generated internally, in the format: Initiator DUNS-%%-UniqueID-%%-SenderFocalRole (where “-%%-” is used as the separator).
Code or name of the PIP, such as 3A4.
Version of the PIP process, such as 1.1 or 1.4.
Description of the PIP process (for example, the description of PIP3A4 is “Request Purchase Order”).
Transaction associated with each RosettaNet PIP document.
Action associated with each RosettaNet PIP document.
File name of the Data Type Definition for the RosettaNet PIP document.
XML namespace declaration with the name and value that will be added to the XML payload.
Folder that contains the IS document types against which the RosettaNet PIP documents are validated.
This folder should be located in the directory, Integration Server_directory\packages\WmRNPips\ns\wm\b2b\rn\rec\PIPs.
If NSFolder is left blank, webMethods RosettaNet Module will search in the Integration Server_directory\packages\WmRNPips\ns directory for the IS document types.
Whether schema validation for the documents is required. Valid values are Yes or No.
If you are using schema based PIP, you must set the value as Yes, and also set the value for the ISSchema parameter. If you do not set these two values, the inbound validation for the schema based PIP will fail.
To bypass the inbound validation, provide a dummy service as value for the ValidationService parameter that is part of ProcessInfo TPA Section.
Name of the XML schema against which the document should be validated.
Indicates if the RosettaNet conversation is in test or production mode. Valid values are Test or Production.
Specifies how to encode MIME parts.
Use base64 and uuencode encoding for binary content messages.
Whether to encrypt the outbound RosettaNet payload. Valid values are Yes or No.
Whether to encrypt the service header of the RosettaNet PIP document. Valid values are Yes or No.
You cannot encrypt the service header alone, without encrypting the payload. To encrypt the payload and service header, set the value of EncryptPayload and EncryptHeader parameters as Yes.
Algorithm used to encrypt the outbound RosettaNet PIP document. Valid values are Triple DES, RC2, and DES.
Length (in bits) of the RC2 encryption key. Valid values are 128, 64, and 40.
Payload type for the third-party specification. Only the third party Open Applications Group (OAG) is supported. This parameter is equivalent to the ProcessCode parameter for PIPs.
If you are using RosettaNet for PIDX, you must update this ThirdPartyPayloadType parameter.
Payload version for the third-party specification. Only the third party Open Applications Group (OAG) is supported. This parameter is equivalent to the ProcessVersion parameter for PIPs.
If you are using RosettaNet for PIDX, you must update this ThirdPartyPayloadVersion parameter.
Payload reference ID for the third-party specification. Only the third party Open Applications Group (OAG) is supported.
If you are using RosettaNet for PIDX, you must update this ThirdPartyReferenceId parameter.
Whether to compress the outbound document. Valid values are Yes or No.
Whether to send response or receipt acknowledgement synchronously. Valid values are Yes or No.
If you are using a synchronous PIP, for example, PIP 2A9, set the value of sync parameter as Yes.