RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Defining Trading Partner Profiles | Defining Your Enterprise Profile | Step 1: Defining Profile Fields
Step 1: Defining Profile Fields
This procedure describes the required profile fields in the enterprise profile. For complete details about the remaining fields in the partner profile, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.
*To define enterprise profile fields
1. In My webMethods, select Administration > Integration > B2B > Partner Administration > Partner Profiles to open the Partner Profiles page.
2. Define the following required fields in your enterprise profile:
a. In the Corporation Name field, type the name of your organization.
b. Select the External IDs tab and click Add ID.
c. Add a DUNS ID Type and define the value as your enterprise’s D-U-N-S number.
3. Click Save.