RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Customizing Process Model Template | Customizing a Process Model Template | Timeout, Retry Count and Join Timeout values
Timeout, Retry Count and Join Timeout values
You can set timeout, retry count, and join timeout values in Designer.
*Timeout refers to the amount of time to wait, for any step in your process model to complete execution. For example, how long to wait, to receive a Receipt Acknowledgment (ACK) or to receive a Response document, such as a POA.
*Retry Count refers to the number of times to attempt executing a particular step. For example, how many times to attempt sending a Receipt ACK or a business document, such as a PO or POA, including the initial attempt to send the document.
The retry count value you set for a particular step determines the behavior of the process model at that step. You can set the retry count value for each step independently of other steps. You must be careful when setting the retry count value for steps that send an action message to a trading partner. Setting the value of the Step Retry Count property in Designer changes the value for your PIP conversation, but, does not change the value in your trading partner's PIP conversation.
*Join Timeout refers to the timeout value for the steps that contain AND join or COMPLEX join. It can be a static value, a field value, or a business calendar value.
For more details about how to set timeout, retry count, and join timeout values, see Software AG Designer Online Help.