RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Running and Monitoring a Conversation | RosettaNet Conversation Flow
RosettaNet Conversation Flow
Example of a RosettaNet conversation flow
Conversations in RosettaNet Module consist of essentially three parts:
*Exchanging the business document between partners, such as a purchase order.
*System acknowledgments that indicate that messages were successfully received (or failed).
*Transforming business documents into the format used by the receiving system, for example from an internal format into a RosettaNet business object, or vice versa.
The process for sending and receiving documents is the same for both parties using RosettaNet Module, whether acting as the fulfiller or the initiator of the conversation:
*To send a business document generated by an internal system to RosettaNet Module, the pub.estd.rosettaNet:receive service is used.
*To send a business document from RosettaNet Module to the internal system, a custom-created service is used.
A unique ConversationID is assigned to each conversation that allows the system to track the exchange of documents and determine which acknowledgements belong to which business message.