RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Mapping a RosettaNet PIP Document | Creating an Outbound Mapping Service | Assigning Input and Outputs
Assigning Input and Outputs
The input to the outbound mapping service is your internal business document, represented as an IData object.
Typically, you invoke the wm.estd.common.util:getBizDocFromEvent service to retrieve the BizDocEnvelope, which contains your internal business document, and then invoke the wm.estd.common.util:recordFromBizDoc service to extract the business document content from the BizDocEnvelope. This process returns the business document as an IData object.
The output from the outbound mapping service must be placed in the documents\Payload IData object. RosettaNet Module must convert a PIP IData object into an XML string before sending the RosettaNet PIP document to the trading partner. Therefore, RosettaNet Module must know the precise location of the PIP IData object.
If the documents for your internal system have DTDs, you can automatically import an external DTD in Designer to use as a starting point. Simply create a new external record and specify the source as XML, DTD, or XML Schema.
For instance, if you were mapping your internal system document to the Pip3A4PurchaseOrderRequest RosettaNet PIP document, the output of the mapping service would be Pip3A4PurchaseOrderRequest(Pip3A4PurchaseOrderRequest) in the documents\Payload IData object.
The name and case of the IData object must match the IS document type exactly. If not, validation on the receiver's end will fail. In the above mentioned example, the receiver's RosettaNet-compliant server expects the name of the incoming RosettaNet PIP document to be Pip3A4PurchaseOrderRequest.