RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Mapping a RosettaNet PIP Document | Creating an Inbound Mapping Service | Example of an Inbound Mapping Service: Initiator (Sender)
Example of an Inbound Mapping Service: Initiator (Sender)
If you are the initiator in a conversation and are implementing a PIP 3A4 Request Purchase Order, in the initiator's system, when RosettaNet Module receives the inbound PO Acceptance from the fulfiller, it places the Pip3A4PurchaseOrderAcceptance IData object in the userDocument IData object in the pipeline. The Pip3A4PurchaseOrderAcceptance IData object is mapped to the POA IData object, as an internal business document. For more information, see the wm.b2b.rn.sample.company1.maps.inbound:POAcceptance service used in the PIP3A4Sample.