RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Installing webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2
Installing RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2
The instructions in this section explain how to install RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2 using the Software AG Installer wizard. These instructions are meant to be used with the more complete instructions in the Installing webMethods Products On Premises for your release.
If you are installing RosettaNet Module in a clustered environment, you must install it on each Integration Server in the cluster, and each installation must be identical. For more information about working with RosettaNet Module in a clustered environment, see webMethods Integration Server Clustering Guide.
*To install RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2
1. Download the Software AG Installer from the Empower Product Support website at
2. If you are installing the module on an existing Integration Server, shut down Integration Server.
3. Start the Software AG Installer wizard and follow the instructions to install RosettaNet Module:
a. In the Release list, select the webMethods release that corresponds to the version of Integration Server you are using. For example, if you want to install RosettaNet Module on Integration Server 8.2, choose the 8.2 release.
b. Enter your Software AG Empower user name and password. Installer uses these to connect to the Installer server and populate your licensed products in the selection.
c. Specify the installation directory:
*If you have already installed the Integration Server platform, specify the webMethods installation directory that contains Integration Server.
*If you are installing both Integration Server and the module, specify the installation directory for Integration Server. The installer installs RosettaNet Module within the Integration Server_directory\packages directory.
d. In the product selection list, select eStandards > webMethods RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2. Verify that Program Files and the required transport version are also selected.
For example, to install the RNIF 1.1 implementation, select eStandards > webMethods RosettaNet Implementation Framework 7.1 SP2 > RNIF 1.1.
e. If you want to install RosettaNet PIP Tools, select eStandards > Common Files 7.1 > PIPTools.
f. Optionally, install any other required products as indicated in webMethods eStandards Modules System Requirements.
The installer installs the following components:
*WmEstdCommonLib (eStandards Common Library)
*The selected implementation framework, for example, WmRNIF11TRP or WmRNIF20TRP
*WmPIPTools, if RosettaNet PIP Tools is selected
4. Use the Software AG Update Manager located on the Empower Product Support website at, to install the latest fixes for RosettaNet Module and other webMethods products. For a list of required fixes, see webMethods eStandards Modules System Requirements.
For information about installing the fixes, see the instructions in the corresponding fix readme file.
5. Restart Integration Server.
RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2 starts automatically.