RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Getting Started: Steps for Implementing a PIP | Implementing a RosettaNet PIP | Step 4: Customize your Trading Partner Agreements
Step 4: Customize your Trading Partner Agreements
A trading partner agreement (TPA) is a set of parameters that you can use to govern how documents are exchanged between two trading partners. The required set of TPAs for a PIP will be automatically created during the PIP import process. Using My webMethods, customize your TPAs by specifying the sender and receiver and, for an initiator's TPA, the agreement ID. You also customize a TPA by modifying certain parameter values, such as whether you want an outbound business document to be encrypted or signed.
For more information about using TPAs in RosettaNet Module, see Customizing Trading Partner Agreements. For detailed information about Trading Networks assets, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.