RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Concepts | RosettaNet Module Solution Overview | Configuring Trading Networks Assets
Configuring Trading Networks Assets
RosettaNet Module integrated with Trading Networks allows you to create a business-to-business trading network for exchanging messages. Trading Networks has several “assets” that you must configure. Trading Networks uses these assets to identify RosettaNet documents and determine how to process them. Using Trading Networks’s user interface, My webMethods, configure the following assets during design time:
*Trading Networks profiles define each organization that exchanges messages on your network. Define a profile for your organization, known as the enterprise profile, and a profile for each partner or organization with whom you exchange messages.
*TN XML document types identify the types of documents that you and your partners exchange. Each document type represents a specific business purpose and defines a specific format to which the message must adhere. TN XML document types consist of attributes that identify the data that must be populated in the message. When you define the document type, you specify which attributes (data) are required and which to extract (for incoming message) or populate (for outbound messages).
Trading Networks matches each document it receives to an (enabled) TN XML document type, which indicates how to process the message or transform it into the format required by an internal system or into a RosettaNet message.
Each document should match only one TN document type. If Trading Networks finds multiple TN XML document types that match a document, the module cannot determine which document type to use and stops processing the document with an error.
If a PIP is imported using PIP Tools, the required TN XML document types for that PIP are created automatically.
*Trading Partner Agreements (TPAs) are a set of parameters that define how business documents are exchanged between trading partners, and define specific parameters for signing, encoding, and validating RosettaNet documents. The TPA allows you to narrow Trading Networks document processing instructions to a specific partner and message type combination. The TPA includes the following:
*Two Trading Networks profiles, one assigned as the sender, and one assigned as the receiver.
*One TN XML document type assigned as the agreement ID.
If a PIP is inserted using PIP Tools, the required TPAs are created automatically, with both Sender and Receiver configured as Unknown.
For information about defining trading partner profiles, see Defining Trading Partner Profiles . For information about defining TN XML document types, see Defining Internal TN XML Document Types. For information about defining TPAs, see Customizing Trading Partner Agreements. For complete information about using Trading Networks and Trading Networks assets, see webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide.