RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Concepts | RosettaNet Module Features
RosettaNet Module Features
RosettaNet Module runs on Integration Server and provides the following features and capabilities:
*Supports the RNIF and RosettaNet PIPs. Quickly implement production solutions for automating the many interactions across your entire supply chain. RosettaNet Module supports Technical Advisories 1, 2, and 3, as well as Technical Recommendation 1, Use of File Attachments, and Technical Recommendation 2, Synchronous Responses, provided by RosettaNet to enhance the RNIF standard.
*Implement new PIP versions quickly. Stay current with new versions from RosettaNet, without waiting for a new software release.
*Use custom PIPs. Unlike other solutions, RosettaNet Module does not require “hard-coding” of PIPs. With RosettaNet Module, you can implement custom PIPs if needed.
*Implement multiple versions of PIPs. You can implement multiple versions of the same PIP so that you can interact with multiple trading partners, even though they might be using different versions of the same PIP. Note that you can communicate with a trading partner only if both of you are using the same version of the same PIP and RNIF. For example, you can communicate with Trading Partner A if both of you are using PIP 3A9 version 1.1, and you can communicate with Trading Partner B if both of you are using PIP 3A9 version 2.0, but you cannot communicate with Trading Partner A if Trading Partner A is using PIP 3A9 version 1.1 and you are using PIP3A9 version 2.0.
*Capture trading partner-specific rules. Rules that reflect the unique business practices between your organization and your trading partners.
*Leverage existing investments in enterprise solutions. Exchange information from EDI-based systems to populate business documents in RosettaNet format.
*Customized RosettaNet-based process models. Use Designer to create business process models that reflect your organization's business requirements.
*Monitor your process models. Use Monitor to manage and monitor your process models.
*Maintain transaction logging and audit trails to ensure the integrity of all trading partner transactions. Automatic archival of transaction messages, as well as digital signature support, ensures non-repudiation of origin and content.
*Synchronous/Asynchronous transmission of PIP messages. With RosettaNet Module, you can employ either synchronous or asynchronous communication to meet the time requirements of your trading partner transactions. For those PIPs that require immediate responses, you can use synchronous communication. For transactions with longer duration, you can use asynchronous communication.
*Supports multi-byte languages. Multiple language support includes languages such as Chinese and Japanese.
*Process large business documents. Use Integration Server’s services to process large business documents.
*Supports Microservices Runtime. webMethods RosettaNet Module with Trading Networks Server on Microservices Runtime works with Integration Server 10.15 Core Fix 2 or higher.