RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Public Services in WmRosettaNet Package | Summary of Elements in this Folder | pub.estd.rosettaNet:processDocument
Initiates the assigned process model and starts a conversation. This service executes the following steps:
*Recognizes the incoming document for its TN document type.
*Saves the incoming document to the Trading Networks database.
*Submits the recognized document (bizdoc) to the service.
You must enter one of the below parameters as input to this pub.estd.rosettaNet:processDocument service:
Input Parameters
Document The IData object from the pipeline, for example, input/Pip3A4PurchaseOrderRequest, that contains the incoming document to be processed as part of a new conversation or an existing conversation.
Object An XML node to process. The node must be an instance of com.wm.lang.xml.Node. You can add the XML node to the pipeline by using Integration Server Services. For example, the pub.xml:xmlStringToXMLNode service.
String XML payload in the string format.
String (optional) The conversation ID of the conversation that the document specified in input, node or xmlString is joining. If the document is not currently part of a conversation, leave cid null.
For more information on conversation ID and the format of conversation ID, see the ConversationID
String (optional) Path of the file for handling large document payload.
Object (optional) A reservation object for handling a large document.
Output Parameters
String (optional) The conversation ID of the conversation that the document specified in input, node or xmlString is joining, if one exists.
Usage Notes
This service can also be invoked via a TN Processing Rule, to initiate the process model.